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Chelsea was dropped off at the pound by her owners after their son went off to college. She was a mess, with grapefruit sized matts on her backside. She was 10 years old and never had been out of her backyard. She is now 16 and has been out of the backyard. She has been in parades, to rest homes and to the groomers-not in that order!!  ?/?/86 to 12/6/04  18 years old.


Peka and Katie. Peka was brought to us by a person who had asked us to have her spayed, then could not keep their home. Peka has an interesting relationship with one of our cats, Pester.
Katie was a 4 week old puppy when she was droped off. She never got a home because people thought she look too much like a Pit Bull. Her brother looked like a Cocker and got a home right away.


Cleocatra, queen of the known universe. Cleo came to us in 1993 from The Churchill Animal Protection Society in Fallon Nevada. She is almost 9 years old. This picture show her helping with a quilt.


Violett is our "first" rescue dog. We had gotten dogs before and didn't realize we were rescuing them until later. Violett is Coonhound and GSP. We got her about a month after we lost Truckee. It was the day before Thanksgiving and we were at a hardware store. They were putting out Christmas trees. Tom made a coment about them looking like dogs at the shelter. We looked at each other, went to the shelter and pick her out. It was a long week because she had to stay at the shelter until after the holidays and she could be spayed. She is now 8 years old.


?-86 to 6-3-02
Mona, 16 year old Golden Retriever, who was taken to the pound by her owners at the age of 10 when they got a new puppy. No one wanted her because she was so old and they were afraid she would die. She has been with us nearly 6 years. She is now suffering from an enlarged heart and is on meds and a special diet. She is our only "perfect" dog. When Mona was younger we took her to rest homes where she was a big hit with the people there. She has also been in parades, home shows and featured in newspaper articles.


Little Girl and Mona. Little Girl is a Golden cross. She was found running loose and taken to the pound. We rescued her on her last day. She helps take care of Mona.


This picture is of our outdoor black cat mafia. Outdoor cats are not recomended. These cats came to us when their owner moved and did not take them with them. Left to right they are Speed (who went to the Rainbow Bridge in Oct of 2001), Roscoe and Angel.

The Golden Girls
Sadie, Mona and Sara. Chelsea is in the back


Sara is 10-12 years old. We don't know for sure. She was dumped at the pound with her puppies. The puppies got a home but no one wanted her. We rescued her on her last day. She has some issues with other dogs and her space. She will live her life out with us.
UPDATE: Sara went to the Rainbow Bridge on 11/9/03.  She was diagnosed with a nasal carcinoma two months before.  We are happy to have known her.


This is Tippy she is 18 years old and was diagnosed with diabetes in 5/98. She came to us when her owner died. She is doing quite well.
UPDATE:  Tippy went to the Rainbow Bridge on 3/26/03  Judy Dick did a memorial to her at the Diabetic Pets Website.  Click below to see it.

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